Lesbian and Queer bars and events from all over
I put a question out to my public facebook last night: Lesbian or Queer bar or event names, anywhere in the world, past or present – go!
Today, 15 hours later, 237 comments have come in and they’re still a-flowing. Next plan: create an open data set and share this amazing info!
For the love of herstory and queerstory and because fb is untrustworthy [tho algorithmically I might be the biggest lez online today], here’s what people had to say:
I put a question out to my public facebook last night: Lesbian or Queer bar or event names, anywhere in the world, past or present – go!
Today, 15 hours later, 237 comments have come in and they’re still a-flowing. Next plan: create an open data set and share this amazing info!
For the love of herstory and queerstory and because fb is untrustworthy [tho algorithmically I might be the biggest lez online today], here’s what people had to say:
[dyke specific, explicitly or not]
– Fran’s (lynn MA – apparently still around!);
– Rising Cafe (park slope – z”l);
– anonymous (at Mehanata on ludlow – z”l);
[mixed queer]
– The Bar (at 2nd ave & 4th st – low-key and lovely – z”l);
– Partners (new haven CT – friday night dancing in the late 90s);
– Gotham Citi (new haven CT – saturday night dancing in the late 90s);
– what was that genderqueer party at the Boiler Room called?;
– the parties at Mother (especially Click&Drag, but also Martha@Mother – z”l);
– HomoCorps (dean johnson zts”l ‘s party at CBGB – z”l);
– Bang the Party (deep house at Frank’s Lounge in fort greene – not explicitly queer, but full of us… – z”l);
– Body & Soul (in its regular tea-dance days at Vinyl)