Heels on Wheels is thrilled to announce a new monthly Salon Series: The Opentoe Peepshow. This event is dedicated to revealing new works by queer artists of all persuasions, with a focus on performance art and feminine-spectrum folks.
Heels on Wheels Opentoe Peepshow Salon Series #1:
If the shoe fits… Sunday Oct 7, 2012, 6-9pm *sharp*, $0–$10
Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
53 Prospect Park West [at 1st St.], Brooklyn, NY
This series creates space for performers we believe in to try new pieces and I can just about guarantee that it will change the contours of your inner life. We hope you can join us for this inaugural event, and the first Sunday of every month through June 2013! More about the event, the artists, and the Heels on Wheels here: http://www.heelsonwheelsroadshow.com/?p=393. Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/365897206817714
But also…get your fun shoes on because coming up before that:
TONIGHT 9/27: Secret Rooms of the DIRT PALACE, 7pm @ Soho20 Chelsea Gallery The incredible, DIY feminist artists from Providence, RI’s DIRT PALACE are in NYC with a show, narrated by Madame Von Malt Liqueur. Very Trisha. Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/535187499830063/
10/3–10/5: Micro-Mini Maxi Mystery Theater: En Total, 7:30pm @ Dixon Place Many beloved collaborators present J. Dellacave’s show about “abstract outer-space adventures, smashing the capitalist state, and falling in and out love and clothing”. Do go! Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/402967829758263/
10/5: Deadline to apply for Sex Workers’ Dramatic Storytelling [aka performance!] Classes This is a FREE 7 week long series for individuals with experience in the sex trade, Oct 7–Nov 18 from 6-8pm in the LES. Facilitated by Nicolette Dixon, Leah Page, and Amy Sawyers, who are Master’s candidates in Applied Theatre at CUNY. Details and registration here: http://www.redumbrellaproject.org/redumbrelladiaries/dramatic-storytelling/
10/7: Dyke Action Machine Show 3-6pm @ the Lesbian Herstory Archives I’m not gonna lie: Heels on Wheels booked our Salon close to this event so *we* could do both. DAM made all these fierce dyke posters in the 90s and now there is a book. You don’t need me to tell you why the Lesbian Herstory Archives are worth a visit. Site: http://www.lesbianherstoryarchives.org/ Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/466865386677721/
Sunday 10/7: POC Zine Tour 8pm [hopefully on punk time?] @ Death by Audio Heels on Wheels are going en masse from our Salon to this event because its just so badass and important and there will be tons of zines and a reading that we kinda selfishly hope starts on punk time [eg. late]. Join us? Site: http://poczineproject.tumblr.com/