Because We Came From a Hungry Place, Glitter and Grit Intro
Glitter and Grit: Queer Performance from the Heels on Wheels Femme Galaxy is a new anthology I co-edited, out by Publication Studio this past December 2015. You can get aContinue reading
Glitter and Grit: Queer Performance from the Heels on Wheels Femme Galaxy is a new anthology I co-edited, out by Publication Studio this past December 2015. You can get aContinue reading
I have a personal life goal of doing everything on RoadsideAmerica.com. Just this past year, I went to the namesake location, a miniature Americana village encircled by model trains, whereContinue reading
If you’ve always ridden a nice bike, you may have no idea what riding a heavy/malfunctioning “clunker” or having to walk is like — you may not even know thatContinue reading
Originally posted here. by Damien Luxe, co-producer Heels on Wheels “Wait…they expected STRIPPERS?” The glares from the audience confirm that whatever they expected, this North Carolina lesbian bar audience isContinue reading
Wednesday March 19: The Fist Is Still Raised Slideshow $0-10 donation, Interference Archive, Brooklyn RSVP requested: https://raisedfistworkshop.eventbrite.com The Fist Is Still Raised is a slideshow and talk about the historyContinue reading
Dearest ones far and close, my beloveds and total fucking strangers: I’m writing you instead of dying. I’m writing because there are untold chapters for me, and because there areContinue reading
EAT, a video poem. Video, Drums: Damien Luxe Guitar, Keyboards: Holotropik. Music @ WMRC, 2013 // Video @ Terra Incognita 2012 I recorded the video at the artist’s retreat TerraContinue reading
Giant list of community-based response resources, donation sites, volunteer sites: http://interoccupy.net/occupysandy/ #1 White people and folks with privilege, step up and keep it up. The communities affected most critically andContinue reading
People sometimes ask me, “Damien, how do you possibly do SO much in one day?” Besides the fact that I’m motivated by worry that I will perish of boredom ifContinue reading
Conversations focused on “femme in/visibility” often ignore class, pretend that race “doesn’t count,” treat gender as a footnote, and skip over dis/ability. What’s left? This post discusses these ideas.