Heels on Wheels Glitter Roadshow April 6-14!!!
NYC Save the Date — April 14, 2012 at 9pm sharp at The Spectrum in Brooklyn. Get on our website or FB for all show details!
The Heels on Wheels Glitter Roadshow tours the US annually with a dazzling cabaret of performance art works and acts of resistance by queer folks of femme-inine spectrum genders. The show itself consists of five performers, featuring a raucous, thought-provoking line-up of multi-media, literary and performing arts, music, puppetry, participatory art — and even dance parties! All the details are here: heelsonwheelsroadshow.com
Our fearless artists rampage across the femme-inine spectrum-from hi-femme to femmedrogyny, dandy darling to ladybeast — in a wild revue of visceral, poetic, performance, emotional escape plans in wild workout gear, dark whimsical puppetry, innovative intersectionality, and rocknroll you can sink your heels into!
The 2012 tour is the third annual, and features experienced performers Damien Luxe, Geppetta, Heather Acs, Najva Sol, and Shomi Noise, with wrangler/visual artist/violinist Lizxnn Disaster, and runs April 6-14, 2012. In each city we visit there will be a show, a feminist art installation, and in many places, a community event or discussion. Our calendar is here.
Heels on Wheels is working class-led and multi-racial, and includes cisgendered and trans folks, QPOC, mixed race folks, sex workers, immigrants: all fiercely political feminist queer artists whose work weaves punk herstories, survival strategies, and wild costuming into escape artistry. These are stories that do not have enough outlets on a regular basis and that’s one reason this tour is important!
You can get pre-sale tickets, merch, and see the unicorn who told us to tour here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/962427077/heels-on-wheels-roadshow-2012-gas-and-tour-fund
Our schedule is here.
Find out more details about the artists, the show and to keep updated:
- Website: www.heelsonwheelsroadshow.com
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/
- Twitter: @howroadshow // #heelsonwheels
NYC Save the Date — April 14, 2012 at 9pm sharp at The Spectrum in Brooklyn. Get on our website or FB for all show details!
The Heels on Wheels Glitter Roadshow tours the US annually with a dazzling cabaret of performance art works and acts of resistance by queer folks of femme-inine spectrum genders. The show itself consists of five performers, featuring a raucous, thought-provoking line-up of multi-media, literary and performing arts, music, puppetry, participatory art — and even dance parties! All the details are here: heelsonwheelsroadshow.com
Our fearless artists rampage across the femme-inine spectrum-from hi-femme to femmedrogyny, dandy darling to ladybeast — in a wild revue of visceral, poetic, performance, emotional escape plans in wild workout gear, dark whimsical puppetry, innovative intersectionality, and rocknroll you can sink your heels into!
The 2012 tour is the third annual, and features experienced performers Damien Luxe, Geppetta, Heather Acs, Najva Sol, and Shomi Noise, with wrangler/visual artist/violinist Lizxnn Disaster, and runs April 6-14, 2012. In each city we visit there will be a show, a feminist art installation, and in many places, a community event or discussion. Our calendar is here.
Heels on Wheels is working class-led and multi-racial, and includes cisgendered and trans folks, QPOC, mixed race folks, sex workers, immigrants: all fiercely political feminist queer artists whose work weaves punk herstories, survival strategies, and wild costuming into escape artistry. These are stories that do not have enough outlets on a regular basis and that’s one reason this tour is important!
You can get pre-sale tickets, merch, and see the unicorn who told us to tour here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/
Our schedule is here.
Find out more details about the artists, the show and to keep updated:
- Website: www.heelsonwheelsroadshow.com
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/
heelsonwheelsroadshow - Twitter: @howroadshow // #heelsonwheels